EWT UK Service Update | ALOM

December 5, 2019

EWT UK Service Update for all EWT turbine owners in England, Scotland and Wales | Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme – upgrade early to maximise the opportunity to benefit from the funding programme.


Your EWT turbine is equipped with a ‘G59 relay’ which monitors the voltage, frequency and which checks for power cuts and disturbances. As part of the future plans to make the grid suitable for more decentralised renewable generators, the G59 rules in the Distribution Code have been updated to G99, which is a smarter system that allows generators to ride-through minor faults without disconnecting and not cause significant amounts of generating capacity to disconnect all at the same time. As part of the process of introducing the new G99 rules, older generators connected under G59 are required to change the settings on their G59 relays to make them more tolerant of minor faults and prevent the mass-disconnection of generation capacity.

Owners of generators fitted with older forms of loss of mains protection will need to make changes to their protection by September 2022. Distribution Network Owners and National Grid ESO have teamed up through the accelerated loss of mains change programme to accelerate compliance with these new requirements.

Financial contribution available

As part of the Accelerated loss of mains (ALoM) change programme, generator owners are eligible to apply for a financial contribution to help them get the necessary work done. These payments will be fixed-rate sums, rather than tailored to individual circumstances.

There are currently 3 application windows available:

Opening Day                    Closing Day

13.11.2019 11.02.2020
12.02.2020 12.05.2020
13.05.2020 11.08.2020

There are limitations in terms of funding and the number of applications the DNO/IDNOs may be able to process, so applying as early as possible will increase the chances of being accepted onto the programme!


EWT offers a range of options to help you get onto the Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP) and comply with these new requirements. For further information, please contact us through alom@ewtdirectwind.com or alternatively contact Anders Siggery (a.siggery@ewtdirectwind.com or +44(0)7825553591).